
破碎機 1000 tonh

了解礦石破碎制砂設備、砂石生產線配置方案電話咨詢: 18221397919 (微信同號)

The correct installation of feeding device is significant for crusher to work normally. In order to let ore enter into crushing space uniformly, feeding device should be installed correctly. 16. 負荷試驗 4.16 Load test 圖13 Fig. 13 (1) 空轉試驗合格后,方可進行負荷試驗。其起重能力可按表2 選擇。4.5.4 Keep the base horizontal and ensure the machine work reliably otherwise it’s easy for single contact of the copper sheathing and the abnormal of grinding eccentric sleeve and water sealed device. 9 圖1 Fig. 1 6. 傳動軸的安裝4.6 Installation of drive shaft 1 安裝傳動軸時應在底座與傳動軸連接筒體的凸緣法蘭間墊上墊片。破碎機 1000 tonh4.9.1 Clear up the protective oil coat in the shaft and spherical surface, and blow the lubri e hole and oil groove clean with wind. (2) 在錐軸表面涂一層黃干油,球面上涂一層稀油。技術特點: 1、多腔均勻破碎,適宜破碎硬巖。8 延長了爐內耐火材料的使用壽命。

破碎機 1000 tonh4.13.3 Start oil pump before starting the crusher until all lubri ion points get lubri ing then start crusher. 4 空轉試驗連續運轉不得少于2小時。When the crusher works the motor drives the eccentric sleeve through horizontal shaft and a pair of bevel gear to rotate. The shaft axis of crushing cone is force to swing by the eccentric sleeve thus making the crusher wall and rolled mortar wall close up and far from each other now and then. Ore is crushed under continuous extrusion and bending. 四、機器的安裝與試運轉 4. Installation and Trial Running of Machine 1. 本說明僅包括破碎機的特殊安裝說明其余可按一般機器的通用安裝規程進行安裝。4.11.3 Inlet pipe and outlet pipe should be installed tightly and easy to be disassembled. 4 排水管接近貯水箱處應設一個便于檢查的喇叭口接水管。4.12.3 When installing crushing cone the installation of lubri ing device should be completed. The reason is that when taking test on lubri ing device at this time if there is malfunction in the lubri ion aspects it will be convenient for disassembling and repairing. 18 圖12 Fig.12 13. 空轉試驗 4.13 Free-running test 1 在上述各部分安裝完后要做沒有負荷的試驗檢查安裝的是否符合要求如發現不當的地方此時便于休整。During the disassembling after testing phenomena of copper-surfaced burn and fraying in fri ion part of the crusher shouldn’t occur. 6 假如破碎圓錐轉數很可能產生不良現象應當立即停車進行檢查休整。4.11.2 When installing the water pipe of dust sealing device it should be prevented from being stricken and frayed by ore. 3 進水管和排水管要安裝緊密并且容易拆卸。

4.1 This specifi ion only includes the special installation instructions of crusher. While others can refer to the universal installation instruction of common machine. 2. 起重設備:4.2 Hoisting equipment 安裝破碎機的廠房內,須有起重設備,以便在機器安裝、修理時使用。破碎機 1000 tonh該機實用性強,破碎范圍廣能破碎輕薄料壓塊、鐵皮壓塊、打包壓塊,、自行車壓塊、摩托車壓塊、汽車殼壓塊、廢舊家電壓塊、彩鋼瓦壓塊、油漆桶壓塊、易拉罐壓塊等。Repair the damaged parts of transportation. C、 檢查軋臼壁和鋅合金的緊固情況。Remove all dirt from the screw thread. B、 修正運輸中損壞的地方。 4.7.3 After installing the hollow eccentric shaft the external endface of gear and pinion should be aligned see Fig.7 in order to inspect the clearance of gear meshing. The gear tip clearance b is 4±0.3 and the gear backlash A is 2.63.2mm. 圖6 Fig. 6 12 圖7 Fig. 7 8. 碗形軸承的安裝 4.8 Installation of bowl-shaped bearing 1 碗形軸承架應與底座配合緊密并用塞尺檢查水平接觸面的緊密情況。Check whether the rolled mortar wall and zinc alloy are fastened. (2) 往支承套螺紋里裝調整環時,可以使用滑車(見圖14)。

【1000X1050反擊式破碎機--正科機械】價格,廠家,圖片,礦山機械配件,鄭州市正科機械有限-馬可波羅網#正科機械是破碎機,顎式破碎機,反擊式破碎機,移動破碎站等礦山機械碎石機設備生產基地。Remove all dirt from the screw thread. B、 修正運輸中損壞的地方。齒輪的齒頂間隙b 為4±0.3齒側間隙A為2.63.2mm。 4.7.3 After installing the hollow eccentric shaft, the external endface of gear and pinion should be aligned (see Fig.7) in order to inspect the clearance of gear meshing. The gear tip clearance b is 4±0.3, and the gear backlash A is 2.6~3.2mm. 圖6 Fig. 6 圖7 Fig. 7 8. 碗形軸承的安裝 4.8 Installation of bowl-shaped bearing (1) 碗形軸承架應與底座配合緊密,并用塞尺檢查水平接觸面的緊密情況。 4.5.1 When install the frame verticality and levelness should be strictly guaranteed. This can be realized by inspecting the base center line in the annular machined surface of base with gradienter and plumb see Fig. 2. 2 用調整楔鐵調整好底座的水平后將地腳螺釘擰緊進行次灌漿。破碎機 1000 tonh4.5.3 When the secondary grout blanket indurates don’t take out the adjusting wedge from crusher base fill the interspaces with cement and then inspect according to the installation of frame 1. 4 保持底座的水平性能保證機器可靠的工作否則易使銅套單面接觸研磨偏心套和引起水封裝置工作不正常。

4.3.1 Count the quantity of parts before installation. Inspect and remove the damage in the machined surface of parts and in the screw thread caused during loading, unloading and transportation. Remove the protective coating made in the machined surface during packaging and the dust and dirt dropped during transportation. 4. 基礎4.4 Foundation (1) 破碎機必須安裝在穩固的鋼筋混凝土基礎上,其基礎的深度由用戶根據當地的地質條件決定。破碎機 1000 tonh根據破碎機的工作狀況,可分成干式系統、濕式系統和半濕式系統。4.3.1 Count the quantity of parts before installation. Inspect and remove the damage in the machined surface of parts and in the screw thread caused during loading unloading and transportation. Remove the protective coating made in the machined surface during packaging and the dust and dirt dropped during transportation. 4. 基礎4.4 Foundation 1 破碎機必須安裝在穩固的鋼筋混凝土基礎上其基礎的深度由用戶根據當地的地質條件決定。4.9.1 Clear up the protective oil coat in the shaft and spherical surface and blow the lubri e hole and oil groove clean with wind. 2 在錐軸表面涂一層黃干油球面上涂一層稀油。4.11.4 Set up a flared water ching pipe which is easily to be checked in the outlet pipe where is close to the storage tank. 5 進水管路上應設有調整水量的閥。When the crusher works, the motor drives the eccentric sleeve through horizontal shaft and a pair of bevel gear to rotate. The shaft axis of crushing cone is force to swing by the eccentric sleeve, thus making the crusher wall and rolled mortar wall close up and far from each other now and then. Ore is crushed under continuous extrusion and bending. 四、機器的安裝與試運轉 4. Installation and Trial Running of Machine 1. 本說明僅包括破碎機的特殊安裝說明,其余可按一般機器的通用安裝規程進行安裝。

半濕式系統只是在破碎需要時,進行少量噴水,防止揚塵,并無清洗。Every fri ion part should be damaged. 五、機器的維護 5. Maintenance of Machine。齒輪的齒頂間隙b 為4±0.3,齒側間隙A為2.6~3.2mm。(見圖5)4.7.1 Assemble the shim in the bottom cover before installing eccentric shaft, install the bottom pallet on the lower end of frame by hook, and then install disk, intermediate disk and lower disk in the bottom cover one by one with the hook, making the bulge of lower disk and the fovea of bottom cover match well. (see Fig.5) 圖2 Fig. 2 圖3 Fig.3 圖4 Fig. 4 圖5 Fig.5 (2) 按圖6 將空偏心軸裝配好,然后用M24 環首螺釘,將空偏心軸裝入架體孔內,裝入時要穩落,不要使齒輪受到撞擊。4.11.5 Set up a water regulating valve in inlet pipeline. (6) 在進水管處應設有當破碎機停止工作時能全部排出水槽中水的裝置。破碎機 1000 tonh4.4.1 Crusher must be installed on the steady ferroconcrete foundation. Depth of the foundation is decided under the local geological conditions by users. (2) 基礎下部應有足夠的空間,以便安裝運輸設備。

經過油漆桶壓塊破碎機破碎出來的物料作為煉鋼原料有以下優點:1 煉出來的鋼水化學成分穩定。破碎機 1000 tonh4 和其他廢鋼混合加料時,破碎鋼可充填空隙,提高加料密度。濕式系統是指破碎的同時進行噴水,并且在分揀同時進行淋水清洗。4.9.3 Put the crushing cone gently into the hollow eccentric shaft, letting the spherical surface and the bowl-shaped tile of bowl-shaped bearing contact firmly to avoid damaging the taper ring and oil deflector, and install according to Fig.9. 10. 支承套和彈簧的安裝 4.10 Installation of supporting sleeve and spring (1) 在裝支承套之前,將螺紋內的臟物清除,并檢查螺紋是否有在運輸時損壞的缺陷,發現應立即糾正。同時檢查給油量,然后重新試驗。4.12.2 The configuration of lubri ing device must ensure lubri ing oil to be applied successfully. 3 在安裝破碎圓錐時應完成潤滑裝置的安裝。

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